Even More Marathons Great job running your marathons last weekend Val, Paul, and Tara. We watched. Well, we tracked you online like crazy backward athleti-stalkers. BRC getting it done. Any more coming up? More Borders Some people got Boxford last week. If you missed it, you can still get it this week on the ...
More Marathons on Deck I know you thought that marathon season was over. Two more coming this weekend that I know about. First, everyone give a big “Yee-haw!” and “Git’ er done” to Paul Geffken, representing at the Nashville St. Jude Rock and Roll Marathon this Sunday. Also a big fist pump to Tara ...
Waking up After a Long Nap There are many reasons to not run in the winter. Some people are off skiing. Many have aversion to the cold (and yet can’t bring themselves to move to San Diego.) Holiday excess and long dark nights, too. But it’s time to wake up and get back ...
THE Weekend BAA Boston Marathon. I think there’s not much else to say. Maybe you were expecting a big, epic email about such a big, epic race. I think the accomplishments of all of our bad-asses who are running the race say more than I ever could. Fifteen of our own are running THE race. ...
So…Where’s Waldo? Certain members need not respond. You may know where I am. It’s early April. Nighttime temps are down to -5 or -10, but the daytime rockets up to the mid 20s. The snow is finally starting to dissipate after a relatively light winter. The thaw/freeze cycle makes some back roads hardpack ice, ...
The Run to Breakfast We’ve got a crew running to the Anchor Pub. I told them about a dozen would show up after twenty glorious miles of companionship and “Frogger” heading to Beverly for the most-deserved breakfast all year. They looked at me kind of funny. Unfortunately, I will be away, and miss all ...
Frank and Tom Enjoy a Day Out Looking back over the archives, I found this nice picture of Frank and Tom flying through the air after following the club motto. The music that was playing in the background can be found on YouTube. This was obviously before founding the club so that all ...
It hasn’t been a bad winter I know that this year hasn’t been too tough, with the exception of a couple of strong storms and power outages. But it seems to me that I’m ready for some springtime weather. Although it is still a few weeks away, the good stuff is coming. All ...
What do you think of when you hear “School Vacation?” For some reason, I have Rock and Roll High School pop into my head. But maybe that’s just me. Or maybe, now you’ll have songs by the Ramones stuck in your head all day. Let’s hope so. Maybe someone can gin up some sporty ...
True Romance? A smart, handsome and sexy young man dressed in the most sophisticated manner walked into the bar. He noticed a woman staring at him without blinking her eyes with an open mouth. Flattered, he approached the woman and said in his sexiest deep voice – "I'll do anything you wish, beautiful lady, for ...