Re: Your Run Thank you for your recent inquiry, however I am away from the office and will not return until I get a better attitude. Work performance has been down, and apathy high. In my absence, please use standard means to achieve your miles, as well as ensuring that you enjoy more beers than ...
It’s Been a Whole Year Already? I can’t believe you haven’t chased me down with torches and pitchforks. I’m not fast. You could have easily overtaken me. Maybe you don’t read these notes, and simply look for the nice little link to tell you where we’re running. Whatever the reason, I appreciate not being lynched. ...
People Want Borders We have recently enrolled a number of new RWOBs in the mailing lists. I believe some of them actually will come run with us. We also have some long-time RWOBs who are recommitting to achieving their borders. Whatever the cause, this week we will use that multi-purpose route, which can be cut ...
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT We are having a BRC INDUCTION! Six individuals have completed their border requirements and are ready for the hazing celebrating to begin. Come join us June 26th at Jade in North Andover as we prepare these initiates for the rites of passage into the halls of infamy. Remember to wear your BRC dress ...
Just One Hill Anybody can do this easy uphill jaunt, right? Ummm…maybe not. But I’ll show some serious respect to Rusty and Jess (and anyone else who got registered) as they make the climb up the auto road. Check out the elevation profile on this beast. Anyway… What and where are we running? I ...
Less Planning than Usual I had some ideas for what to write leading into this week’s note, but I am stumped by writer’s block this morning. At least I figured out where we should run. At about the 5 mile mark, there is a little grocery/lunch counter kind of place. I plan to bring ...
Do NOT go to the Common Time for a bit of experimentation. This Week we’re having an away game. We are NOT starting at the town common. Instead, we’re meeting at the Sharpner’s Pond soccer field parking lot. I checked – there’s no Games until noon or 1 as far as I can find. ...
What? No Border Run? Of course we’re doing a border run. It just so happens that this year, we’re touring the memorials in Campagnone Common in Lawrence, which coincidentally lies on the return path from Salem, so we’re getting borders while we’re at it. Campagnone Common is named for the three Campagnone brothers of ...
Last Borders? Didn’t we just do this? Yes. Yes, we did. However, I’m still working to get folks their last borders. This week we’ll pick up a new member if we can have someone escort him to Haverhill (and Boxford) and back to the Common Biergarten Remember that this is the weekend ...
Last Borders? I’m working to give the opportunity to people to complete their borders. I know at least two active RWOBs need this long run. I know it takes a while, but let’s go to North Reading. Biergarten Don’t forget to add to your calendar Notch Brewing’s Mobile Biergarten. Frank sent out ...