No Frills. Haverhill the Hard Way. Let’s Roll. Shorter. Plenty of opportunity to run out/back on this route. If you need something different, try the BRC Executive Route ™ Longer. Angela, Pete and Rusty are planning a longer run. You can get 18.5 miles starting at the Common at 0620. Folding money gets ...
Done. So, that was fun. Surely more fun than should be allowed. Now I’m tired and feel like being a little lazy. That will be reflected in my work here. No planning. Just go run the 10K or 5K routes. If you need more miles, you can 1) start early and do more miles, or ...
RTB. So, where is everybody? Well, I can’t speak for everyone but a whole mess of us are going up to Bretton Woods to run down to Hampton Beach. Silly, right? Just like last year, I don’t know all of the teams involved, but we’ve got some teams who take it as a performance challenge, ...
RTB. It’s here. I’m doomed. Just to throw a little variety into our weekly activities, I thought I’d put together a set of 3 mini runs. Now, that may not sound great, but shared suffering is better than suffering alone. Run one, two or three. Irwin M. Fletcher, you choose. Pay attention to the details ...
Hills. I looked at the calendar today. Some of us are in trouble. (OK, maybe just me.) RTB is coming in 2 weeks. I thought some hills might be good for us (OK, maybe just me again). We’re going to run Holly Effing Ridge, then follow it up with Coventry. At least it’s not that ...
Time to Get Ready for School Cooler mornings, buses clogging the roads, books, homework, sports. It’s all coming. Maybe we should remind ourselves where a few of these institutions are. Run down past Merrimack, into downtown South Andover. Go past St. Augustine’s and turn left on SCHOOL Street. When you get to Philips, come back ...
Lake. Big Lake. Not much to say this week, except try to enjoy the heat while we still have it. Days are getting shorter and the nights (with the exception of tonight) are starting to cool off more. Let’s all run around the water. Keep an eye out for Grandpa’s automobile. Reach. The. Beach. ...
Some Basics It has occurred to me that with several new members in the club, who are turning out to be regulars, it might be advisable to briefly review how this whole thing “works.” I may have it wrong, but I feel like people (old and new members) may not be recording and reporting the ...
Can’t… breathe… I took an “easy run” this morning with the intention that it would help me keep my long slow run slow. (As if I need help being slow.) I happened to notice that someone had gone outside and as a practical joke, where there was supposed to be air, they replaced it ...
Hey Y’All! The summer heat really has me thinking about the warmer parts of the country. Friendly people, Gulf Shore breezes, Sweet Tea, magnolias, peaches, and good barbecue…Oh wait. We can’t really run to the South. Maybe with this sticky weather, we’ll keep it simple this week, and just go back and visit our neighbors ...