Where? I had thought about suggesting we (you) run another extremely long border run this weekend, but I know many are going to The Assault on Mt. Hood tomorrow. So, we’lll have a “step back” week and run one of my faves. Head out to West Boxford. There’s a store at the midpoint where a ...
I couldn’t eat another bite… I bet you thought I forgot about you. Nope. Sleeping in. I hope everyone had a relaxing Thanksgiving Day. What a wonderful time to spend with family and friends. I don’t know about you, but my kitchen looks like a tornado hit it, and told it twice. I’m thankful for ...
It’s Coming Silly Eating Season is almost here. According to Wiley’s “Most Obscure Seasons and Why You Should be Prepared” the tradition of Silly Eating Season began in 1543 when King Henry VIII was having such a joyous time, he didn’t want his annual harvest feast to end; so he encouraged the Royal Guard to ...
Veterans Day This Sunday will be the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War. I have no better words to offer than those of President Woodrow Wilson, which were delivered on the first anniversary, then known as Armistice Day: ADDRESS TO FELLOW-COUNTRYMEN The White House, November 11, 1919. A year ago ...
Running in the rain Meat and Potatoes While not a long run, this is a challenging course due to the hills. Keep the ascent back home in mind before you use all your energy going downhill. Touch the border for fun. Most of you already have collected it, but it’s not guaranteed that everyone has. ...
Halloween It’s that time of year when the shadows grow a little longer, that silly black bird keeps "quothing" at me, and the voices in my head kick into high gear. The floorboards won’t stop thumping, every other dude has a hook on his hand, and grandma’s out of the asylum again. Just remember: we ...
No Content I’ve hit a wall, and have nothing to write about. Burned out and overwhelmed right now. Here’s some sample stock autumn-slash-running topics: The trees are starting to look nice. Some friends of ours ran another Ultra. (Good job, guys) Some ladies won raffles at Whirlaway. Stuff happened. Good luck to anyone running the ...
Congratulations All Around In the past two weeks, we’ve had first Halves, Marathon triumphs and Ultra dreams come true. Smutty, Chicago, and The Crawl were well represented. Congratulations to those who left it all out on the course. I’ve become generally afraid to call out specific people, because I would inevitably leave someone off. Not ...
Not a Crawl, The Crawl (show some respect) Dropping a bit of history on you, this is the OG route, first trod in 2010. Dropping some names on you; Martin Lowrie, Steve Cooper, Glen Hartford, Gene Fay, Hey 19, and Andrew McDevitt completed this route the inaugural year. The sum total of their Members’ numbers ...
Hey. Anyone want to go for a long run on Saturday? No? How about if you get to go slow? Will that help? We’re looking at the ninth edition of this bad idea. But it’s only a bad idea if people show up so I’m going to spend the rest of this email convincing ...