Standard Time Although I love this weekend, in which we get to return to Standard time and get a bit more morning sunlight to power our run, it will also change things for me, as I will no longer be 7 hours into the future. Now I will be 8 hours into the future. Coordination ...
All Hallows Eve It’s that time again. It’s time to don your scariest costumes and head out to badger the neighbors for goodies. Or maybe just run to the costume store while wearing a costume. Or NOT wearing a costume. You decide what’s right for you. So as not to step into a steaming pile ...
Morning Runs in the Sun Maybe I’ve ranted to you before about DST, and my thoughts about why it should end. I apologize for the rant, but sometimes I will take advantage of this platform. At the end of the day, I can reduce it to one simple idea, that for me, trumps the other ...
Nothing new What has been will be again; what has been done will be done again. There is nothing new under the sun. You've heard this one before. I know this is a recurring story from me, but I've got some buffoonery afoot, and am scrambling on the move to fix something that shouldn't be ...
Is it Autumn already? I love the fall. It’s a great time for running. Here, the daytime high temperatures are failing to break into three digits some days, and the nights aren’t nearly as oppressive. If the dust stays out of the air, it might be possible to run more than one or two miles ...
Out of The Office “Hi, I’m Troy McClure! You may remember me from such classic Out of Office Messages as “I’m at Outside Lands Watching Metallica” or “Visiting My Family in Colorado.” I’m here today to talk to you about Erik S., and the BRC route email you are expecting from him. (Enter Billy, 8 ...
Welcome Back It sounds as though our teams did some damage at Reach the Beach and had a great time as usual. Hopefully everyone is recovered and is ready for more hills. Go run Holly Ridge and come back. For an extra few hills, tackle Holly Ridge, and then go get Coventry as well. ...
Where Did Everyone Go? Well, RTB is back. We have friends up in the mountains, racing their way to Hampton Beach. Some will take the boring route and attempt to run fast, while some will run… more creatively. To each his own I say. This is still a Republic. Shockingly, one standout team will get ...
A Run for Your Reflection I’ve tried to write about the attacks of September 11th, and I cannot capture on paper the true emotion I have about the cowardly acts, the causes, or their enduring effects. You may have feelings about policy failures or the failure to act decisively in the face of aggression. You ...
One more stop in the Pre-RTB Buildup With time waning before the launch of the relay this year, let’s keep hitting borders to help some of the RWOBs become members before they support our RTB teams. I’ve put together the most common routes over the last several weeks. This week, you can go hit North ...