BRC Run – 10/02 – 0645 – Salem Street – 9.1 mi [BORDER]

Out of The Office
“Hi, I’m Troy McClure! You may remember me from such classic Out of Office Messages as “I’m at Outside Lands Watching Metallica” or “Visiting My Family in Colorado.” I’m here today to talk to you about Erik S., and the BRC route email you are expecting from him.
(Enter Billy, 8 years old, doe-eyed)
Billy: Mr. McClure? Why is Erik not putting any effort into his route planning emails right now? And why is this one so early?
Troy: The answer is simple Billy: Erik is going to the city this weekend to blow off steam and recuperate from months of working 12-hour days, six days a week in the middle of nowhere and he will not be reading his BRC email any time soon.
Billy: When is he going to be coming back?
Troy: It's unclear at this time, but most likely, he will be back by Monday morning.
Billy: Will the quality of his writing and the timeliness of his route plans improve?
Troy: Beauty is in the eye of the beerholder, Billy. In the absence of a route plan, remember that the BRC always runs on Saturday mornings at 6:45 AM from the North Andover Common.
(Exit a confused Billy)
That’s all for now. Here’s a route for you to run. Watch for me in the upcoming Erik S. Out of Office Message: “Still in the Friggin’ Sand,” coming this winter!”
Salem St to Boxford (9.1):
Knights on the Run
I’m keeping this here to make sure you see it. In-person races are a thing again, apparently. The North Andover Athletic Association is hosting the Tenth Annual Knights on the Run 5K and Knights in Training Kids Run on October 16th this year. This is the largest fundraiser for the NAAA, who fund items for the NAHS athletic department. Over the past few years, they have helped with the installation costs of Walsh Stadium scoreboard, windscreens for the HS tennis courts, video recording devices for soccer, portable defibrillators, and 4 annual student/athlete scholarships. Come out and help support the town while having a fun morning on a run. You’re already running Saturday mornings.
· 11 Oct 2021 – BAA Boston Marathon
· 16 Oct 2021 – Knights on the Run 5K
Phil Hartman was a funny, funny man. Me? Not so much.