BRC Run – 08/03 – 0645 – North Reading – 13.5 mi [BORDERS]

Out and Back
I’m late. I had no plan for this week. (I know, you feel you have already read this story) Let’s throw this against the wall and see if it sticks.
It has been a little while since the club ran to North Reading. Let’s do that.
Grab Middleton if necessary, and if you’re with someone who knows how and where.
BRC Express
Follow the club route and turn around at Rt 114. That will give you roughly 5.75 miles
Mailing List backlog in Progress
I emailed some recent BCC: addresses this week (ok, yesterday) and got some new RWOBs on the mailing list. I have several more to contact.
· Tuesday — BRC Weekly 5K
Start at Rolf’s at 645 pm. Food, drink, and good company to follow.
· September 13th – Reach the Beach
Boring, huh?.