BRC Run – 08/10 – 0645 – Haverhill redux – 11.4 mi [BORDERS]

We’ve got a BRC Induction coming up. Frank sent out the notice that we have three new BRC members, and hopefully can get one or two more. This will be the first induction that includes an optional group run beforehand. The run starts at 6:45, and is only 3 miles. Mark your calendars for Tuesday, August 27th at Rolf’s. Wear your dress whites/greys. Come celeberate the accomplishments of our newest family members Leslie, Steve, and John.
132. Leslie Allen
133. Steve LeCours
134. John McGuiggin
Also, whoever has the book, make sure to bring it.
The Chase (for borders) is On
Again, we’ve got a BRC Induction in a few weeks. Several RWOBs have crossed over and completed all of their borders. We also have a couple who may be one or two short of that goal. This week, we’ll re-do Haverhill and watch Sydney finish her borders. Plus, it’s good training for RTB.
Any RWOB who is close to finishing his borders please let me know which one(s) you are missing. It might get fortuitously and coincidentally scheduled before the Induction night.
BRC Express
Follow the club route and turn around at half the distance you want to complete.
· Tuesday — BRC Weekly 5K
Start at Rolf’s at 645 pm. Food, drink, and good company to follow.
· Tuesday, Aug 27th – BRC Induction Night
This event will begin after the weekly Tuesday run, also at Rolf’s.
· September 13th – Reach the Beach
Celeberate – v – To jubilate and commend someone on their accomplishments, while simultaneously pointing out their flaws in a good-natured manner.