Going faster miles an hour It is gratifying to have another raucous and wildly successful Run to Breakfast™ in the club’s logs. It was great to have so many of you pull up a chair to the table. Mix in a few ultra-runners who had more miles than beers (tsk, tsk) and it was an ...
I had a plan. Really, I had a plan for this week, next week, and the week after. My schedule changed, so here we are. First, this week will be a warm-up for The Run to Breakfast. If you’re running 20+ miles next week, most people would be looking for 9-12 this week. That makes ...
First things first. Go run to Haverhill. Get those hills both ways. Take some RWOBs to get borders (include Boxford if needed) Haverhill the Hard Way: https://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/fullscreen/1745985692/ The Run to Breakfast As most of you are aware, the BAA has scheduled this year’s Boston Marathon for some time in October. Many of you are ...
I’m Out of the Office Right Now Please leave some miles on the pavement, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. The Run Foster/Winter/Great: https://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/fullscreen/1932039320/ Shortcut: https://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/fullscreen/2352797191/ Calendar · 31 Mar 2021: BRC Weeknight 5K · 17 Jul 2021: BRC Triathlon Sneaking this in here. Not a misprint… I ...
Spring Cleaning Our mailing list has too many entries to manage effectively (or in my case even poorly.) We have been adding new RWOBs to the list almost weekly. Many of you old-timers may not realize that BRC is still a thing and have redirected your Saturday mornings to other purpose. Some haven’t been seen ...
Worst. Weekend. Evar. Just when we are starting to get some real daytime, an antiquated, unscientific ritual that causes insane distress comes and snatches it away. You know what I'm talking about. The dreaded Spring Forward. Here are some Pros and Cons so you can decide for yourself, but we all know it's a tool ...
In Like a Lion… I can’t believe it’s already March. Wind, snow, warm days, cold snaps. Even though the days are growing longer, remember that in short order, we’re going to lose an hour of glorious morning light. The roads are getting even more clear, as the snow and ice slowly subside. Good times. ...
How Could I Forget? As you may have noted, I’ve been a bit scatter-brained lately. I think working nights has started taking its toll. A few weeks ago, the card companies told us we were supposed to celebrate something or other. Hopefully you spent the time with your sweetheart, rather than worrying about where you ...
Maybe you need to Decide I went for a short shakeout run today, and as I was trying desperately not to slip and kill myself, I realized we’re in the thick of it. This is always a hard time for the club. Mid-sized snowstorms are generally not cleared aggressively, making the roads narrow. Drivers, many ...