Don’t Wait For Us

Don’t Wait For Us

Welcome to the online celebration of the 12th running of Don’t Wait For Us, the Borderline Running Club’s favorite (and now AWARD WINNING) Reach The Beach relay team. Thanks for stopping by!

We’ll be posting photos here while Van 1 runs across and Van 2 lays waste to the New Hampshire countryside (and before and after, too). Come back often to see the latest.

And we’re all about audience participation, too:

  • Send us your RTB pictures! Just email it to and it will show up in the stream below. (It might take up to 15 minutes to show up, though, so be patient.) If you want to give your photo a title, put it in the Subject line of the email. If you want to give it a caption or add a message to it, put it in the body of the email.
  • Tweet us something good! We’re using our running club’s Twitter handle, which is @BorderlineRC. All Tweets to this username will get captured in the Twitter feed on the page here. And use a hashtag like #DWFU or #DontWaitForUs to best ensure it gets our attention.

Before you go: if this is your first time visiting the BRC web site, have a look around, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter and Instagram.

Thanks for playing along!