…kKsHhh…is thing bac….kzzshhHH..line? Are we ba..kshhZKhhh……at’s it. Hold it right there…..shhhHHHk….. Check the signal. OK. Enter manual mode and start test script 4b. Do you read? Yes, I’ve got you 5:5. Try the 50dB pad. Are we still on? Right, ok the phase looks good. Can I get recording enabled on this? ……… It ...
Solo Marathons are Tough You have the power to make them less so. Several friends and/or club members are running their Virtual Boston Marathon tomorrow. The NAHS Cross Country team has even planned course support. Now, I know I’m not running a marathon tomorrow, but it’s possible that even I could help fellow runners through ...
My Favorite Sometimes, I try to write things to amuse you, and try to send you running on a route that will entertain you as well. This is not one of those times. This week, I’m going to be a little selfish and schedule MY favorite Saturday morning route. We’re going to West Boxford. (Well, ...
Rain is in the Forecast Dress appropriately. Shortcut available. Foster/Winter/Great: https://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/fullscreen/1932039320/ Shortcut: https://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/fullscreen/2352797191/ Mailing List News (Redux) Mailing List Updates have begun. If you are sporadically receiving this email, let me know. If you no longer seem to get this email through normal mailing list functionality, let me know. I’m ready to fix it. ...
Wrong Turn You thought I forgot about you this week, didn’t you? Yeah, you. I’m talking specifically to you. Well, this whole week took a wrong turn for me somewhere, and I ran out of time. No new ideas for a route. No work on the mailing list. I was able to get a couple ...
Eleven Miles On a scale of one to ten, this week’s route is 11 miles. There are hills. Big hills. Many hills. Hills are good for you, even though you may not enjoy them all the time. If you need borders, this route has two of ‘em. Find a member and run together to get ...
Skool? Sints everyone were talking about schools these daze, I thought I’d like to point out how much more importanter running is be. Both times I went to skools, in elementary, middle, and hi skool, we did gooder than if we’d stays home. So lets run to some skools. Andover Schools (6.8): https://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/fullscreen/2305461220/ ...
Garmin’s back! Time for Some Hills Well, we made it to August. It seems like deer fly season is winding down. Maybe they got the China Virus. It is still a bit hot and humid for my tastes. Now, however, Garmin’s back up and we can all record our run. Let’s do it on some ...
Why Bother? I guess Garmin Connect is down! How can I be expected to run, bike, or swim if I can’t humble-brag about it on social media? That’s unfathomable! I mean, all of my followers and friends rely on seeing carefully planned pictures of my legs, or of me running, or my Garmin screen in ...