BRC Run – 08/15 – 0645 – Haverhill the Hard Way – 11.4 miles [BORDERS]

Eleven Miles
On a scale of one to ten, this week’s route is 11 miles. There are hills. Big hills. Many hills. Hills are good for you, even though you may not enjoy them all the time. If you need borders, this route has two of ‘em. Find a member and run together to get Boxford and Haverhill. Slower pace wins. If you want REALLY slow, I’ll be in the back, running 8-ish miles on “The not-quite-so-hard Way” route. On the plus side, it should be a bit cooler than recent mornings. Weather Underground is predicting a week of low-to-mid 60’s mornings. Now is the time to see what all the hard work you put in was really for. Go get ‘em!
Haverhill the Hard Way:
The not-quite-so-hard Way: Turn around when you’re halfway done.
Mailing List News
I’ve noticed that I have lapsed in maintaining the mailing list. You would think everyone would have a metric ton of free time these days to handle mundane tasks. However, life doesn’t stop for everyone. There’s some serious daydrinking to accomplish in case you weren’t paying attention. And those weeds aren’t going to pick themselves. Heck, some people even still have to go to work, sometimes taking on more of the burden while others are hunkering down in their survival bunkers.
Anyway, some (many) of you are currently only listed in my BCC: list, as I’ve neglected getting you signed up for the real-deal Google Groups mailing list. Gmail will start to bark at me soon for having “too many recipients,” so I am going to start doing something about it. For realz this time.
· 19 Aug 2020: BRC Weeknight 5K
· 4 Oct 2020: Trot for Special Tots
· 19 Dec 2020: BRC Christmas Run
OK, So I had less to say today than usual. Sooo-reeeee. I’ll try to be more entertaining next time.