How ‘Bout That Weather? Felt a bit more like Spring Break than one would expect for February Vacation. Tomorrow morning might even be shorts and t-shirt weather. Not complaining. School Route This route seems somewhat appropriate given that kids are headed back to school, why shouldn’t we?
Run On Groceries Perhaps this week someone can explain grocery-shopping-before-a-snow-storm behavior for me. Sure, I’ve seen it before but I guess I never paid much attention to it. That was until I had to experience it. Last week I got hit with a honey-do list that included picking up “a couple of things at the ...
Now That’s More New England Snowy roads, perhaps getting snowier while we’re out for a jaunt, cold temperatures, perhaps a bit colder due to wind chill (which of course varies based on how fast you run), this is what running in New England during the winter is all about. You have to remember that there ...
Do Your Job Show up, wear your uniform properly, and do your job. This week is an easy Executive Style route of agreeable mileage but still long enough to be worth the effort. Put on as much Patriots gear as you own – mega BRC Bonus Points for anyone who brings a helmet. Patriot ...
How About That Countdown Calendar? Great question, glad you asked. The race archive now has over 67 races and events on it. There’s just a smidge of surfing involved in finding out what the 2017 dates will be so you can plan your running year. There’s a very good chance that it may or may ...
Tough Sledding Usually we like a little bit of snow, sleet, or general inclement weather for this run. There’s a storm front forming today and I’m not sure what the impact will be around here in the morning. Guess we’ll all just have to wait and see. Triple Border – 13(ish) Miles Here’s the ...
Count Your Blessings It could be worse. Much worse. Consider this; I’m traveling to San Antonio today so you know the first thing I did was to check out some possible border runs while I’m there. Basically I’d have to do a piece of work before hitting any signs for a different town. The longest ...
Where Do We Start? You have to start somewhere. But first, a quick story. As I’m prone to do, I ate considerably during the Silly Eating Season, which mercifully is finally over. And as is generally the case, a few pounds found me. Let’s just say I’m easier to see now. So I know I ...
Seems Appropriate With all of its ups and downs, I don’t think any of our routes capture 2016 better than Haverhill the Hard Way. In fact it is exactly how we started the year. Maybe we’ll be a bit more judicious in picking our 2017 inaugural route (more on that next week). BRC ...
Finest Holiday Attire Put on you most festive running togs and head downtown for a bit of window shopping and last-minute gift inspiration. To those of you who have all of your Christmas shopping done, perhaps you can give the rest of us some ideas. We actually have a lot to talk about. For instance, ...