BRC Run – 01/04 – 0645 – Stiles Pond – 10.3 mi

03. January 2020 News 0

New Year

Another artificial time break is upon us, which some use to gauge when they will actually start to move (or clean, or write, or what have you) I’m starting to finally realize that (for me, at least) that’s garbage. TODAY is the day to get up and do something. Wake up. Get going. Be present. Front and Center. You may not be ready to tackle a marathon today, but unless you’ve got a broken foot or other injury, you can surely go run a couple miles. Maybe you can’t do 10. Maybe you’re not fast. But you can be smart, and active. Go ride, go swim, go walk. Make 2020 the year you are present and taking steps forward.


Awesome Holiday Media Blitz

Some people were focused on other things, but the real news of the holidays was the BRC 12 Beers of Christmas, and the BRC 12 Songs of Christmas. Mainstream fake news underreported this world-impacting annual event, but we know the real thing. Question what they feed you. Then drink more beers than you run miles. Great job putting that together, Frank and Paul. It was a sight to beerhold.


Well, what now? Like I said, Do Something

We’ve got options. Saturday’s main route will take you to Stiles Pond. Get there by this path:

There are shortcuts if you’re coming back from injury or holiday-induced apathy.

(Short) Run with the group until you get to Blue Ridge Road, go get some hills up Coventry and come back for 5.8 miles:

(Medium) Something in-between? Turn left on Winter and take Dale back to Salem:

Find Your Dress Whites/Dress Grays

I am given to understand that we have a number of un-initiated new members. We will be having a BRC Induction night in mid-January. Keep your eyes out for the notices, and be ready to welcome our new members.


Mailing List Maintenance

I’ve continued to neglect the mailing list. I will address it soon. If anyone is having mailing list difficulties, reach out and let me know.



·         Tuesday — BRC 5K

Start at Rolf’s at 645 PM. Note that this is back to EVENING RUNS. REFLECTIVE SAFETY GEAR is REQUIRED





I really thought I would get more done over the Christmas break. Just like everyone else. Well, time to catch up.




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