BRC Run – 11/02 – 0645 – Foster/Winter/Great – 8.6 mi

I’m sure you have all noticed the darkness encroaching upon our mornings. Such is autumn life in the northern latitudes. It’s funny the misconceptions you’ll find about it, even in print. For example, Business Insider says that this time change “means the sun will be out for fewer hours during the day, making for darker mornings and evenings.” Well, no. The change in seasons having to do with the tilt of the earth relative to its orbit around the sun leads to fewer daylight hours in a 24-hour cycle. We’re only changing the name of what that time is. Now, for clock-slaves, that certainly means that your 4:30pm will suddenly be darker. But your 6:00 am will actually be lighter, thanks to the change in time. Alas, that will be short-lived, as we are definitely headed toward winter.
Some will tell you that it all started as a way to “help the farmers,” but I can bet that most farmers would disagree. Others contend that the original intent was to possibly save energy (originally by reducing the amount of tallow wax needed for candle-lighting.) Recent studies remain mixed on whether the energy-saving is true. I’m sure you can find one or another that fits your confirmation bias about the issue. For sure it impacts stress levels, road rage, and our safe running hours.
Fortunately we get a reprieve from dark mornings, at least for a couple weeks after this Sunday, but tomorrow morning will be mostly dark when we start. Use your best judgement regarding reflective gear and lighting.
So, then where are we running in the dark?
Head out Salem Street to Foster, then come back via Winter St. and Great Pond Road.
BRC Express
Shorter, but still a good distance.
· Tuesday — BRC Weekly 5K
Start at Rolf’s at 645 pm. Food, drink, and good company to follow. REFLECTIVE SAFETY GEAR is REQUIRED
· Nov 3rd – New York City Marathon
· Nov 28th – Feaster Five
· Dec 8th – Jingle Bell Half Marathon
· Dec 14th – The Assault on Mt. Hood
· Dec 21st – BRC Christmas Run
Eliminate daylight saving time. It was only really done for the benefit of the banksters.
Don’t change the clocks!