BRC Run – 01/19 – 0645 – Pippa– 11.2 miles [BORDER]

Nice Work
Congratulations to the new graduating class and welcome to a lifetime of greatness. It seems the induction was a smashing success. Many miles and many beers ahead. Keep it up.
Simple Plan
So, I’m away. Usually when that happens, I tend to send people to Haverhill. I seem to remember a few enterprising individuals made that trek recently, so not this week. I try to pair it with some news or event, but I’ve got no fun quips or secret messages. There’s not much news other than the new members. Let’s just go to the Middleton border?
BRC Express.
Shorter run for those who want to get some miles then head to the slopes.
If you need something in-between, you are welcome to improvise. Take a buddy if you can. Much more fun.
Snow. Snow. Snow. Snow. Snow. ArmageddonKillstorm Snow. Snow. Snow.