The next stop in the Pre-RTB Buildup I’m working down the list, as we continue to hit as many borders as possible before RTB this year. There are many new RWOBs on the teams, and in our ranks. Maybe some of them can become new members before the relay starts. Help them get their borders. ...
Pre-RTB Buildup We have a lot of RWOBs these days. What better way to get ready for RTB than to start hitting the borders. Get Haverhill (and Boxford if you need it) It will be great to have new members on your teams instead of just normal people. Haverhill the Hard Way: ...
Warm weather running With the heat and humidity that is predicted, not to mention scattered thunderstorms, running is not usually comfortable. Air quality starts to deteriorate, and at elevated temperatures, your body can’t keep itself cool as well as it usually does. Take an easy slow run to Middleton this week. There will be water ...
Do you know what I miss? Trees. This is a stock photo I found online that claims there’s a tree here. I have not seen it. I have been told by friends who made home visits that one of the things that strikes them when they get back to CONUS is all the trees. I ...
Cooler Mornings mean Longer Runs It’s not fall yet, but it may feel like it. Tomorrow is supposed to be a beautiful day for running. You can make it a long one. When a bunch of people start following you, let them. Just keep running. When you get pretty tired, turn around and run home. ...
That’s why we can’t have nice things! I thought I had it made for a nice night out in Doha, and a week off from writing. But that’s what I get for relaxing. Sorry I got your hopes up for a triathlon. I know it had to be a hard decision for Aaron to have ...
The BRC Triathlon is Here! I get to take the week off from my writing duties, although it generally appears I take MANY weeks off. Anywho, the BRC Triathlon is tomorrow. Aaron has briefed you all on how to proceed. I am not suggesting a route for anyone who is not participating. You are welcome ...
There’s a Bit of Rain Coming Crazy summer weather this year. Now it looks like the town will be getting almost two inches of rain tomorrow. That means it’s time to get elevated. Head up into the hills, and avoid the washout. What better hill do we have on our playlist than the water tower? ...
I’m Not Even Sure There’s A Race It’s that time of year, when we celebrate those intrepid souls who stood up to tyranny, declared their independence as sovereign men, and denied the claims of a faraway government, intent on ruling them as subjects and dictating the strictures of their everyday lives. We have celebrations, picnics, ...
In case anyone missed it, here is the information for the upcoming BRC Triathlon. Thanks, Erik