BRC Run – 06/19 – 0645 – Stiles Pond – 10.3 mi

We have a pond, in the back. We have a pool and a pond. Pond would be good for you. Natural Spring.
Yes, everyone is welcome to join in. Fast, slow, funny, slobs, you name it. Bring your friends. For the rest of you, you already know the drill. Run to Stiles Pond. Maybe take a swim if you’re so inclined, but you still get to run back to the Common.
Stiles Pond: 10.3
The BRC Triathlon is Coming
Speaking of swimming, have you started your swim training yet? The BRC Triathlon is coming, and is open to people of all abilities. Details will be provided soon.
· 23 Jun 2021: BRC Weeknight 5K
· 17 Jul 2021: BRC Triathlon
So I got that goin’ for me, which is nice.