BRC Run – 06/13 – 0645 – All About Town – 7.5 miles

Nothing to see here.
I’ve got nothing of interest to write about today. Low motivation this week. Trying to keep running, though. I took a long break from real miles (at least real for me), and now I’m trying to build it back up. I know some of you may be in the same boat, regardless of your totals. No races, no real training, low motivation. But we can keep going. Come out and join us.
I’m suggesting we run this oldie planned out by Hey19. Thanks, Mat!
All About Town:
The 5K
So… the Speakeasy 5K seems to have gotten lost. A couple survivors made it back and have decided to start at Rolf’s at 6:45pm this week. Join them at your own discretion, and help them stay on the path.
Note that some items on this list have been modified.
· Tuesday