BRC Run – 4/16 – 6:45AM – Boston Marathon Edition
120th Running
Boston. Enough said.
Shakedown Run
Anyone running on Monday probably doesn’t have big miles on their training plan. A marathon isn’t a test you can cram for. Perhaps an easy 3.1 miles is sufficient.
Big Miles
Anyone not running the Marathon on Monday who does have big miles on their training plan might like this one. What’s not to like about running to North Reading and back?
Bib # W/C BRC
100 Elite McGillivray, Dave
979 1/1 Larosa, Mark
3780 1/4 Chapelle, Don
4869 1/5 Loureiro, Joe
10675 2/3 Kirleis, Thor
17959 3/2 Gorman, John
18154 3/3 Abbott, Angela
22315 3/7 Osborne, Joe
22522 3/7 Plume, Lisa
24366 4/1 Kinneman, Tom
27032 4/4 Dube, Mike
28312 4/5 Zelitch, Bernie
28700 4/5 Parke, Sue
28702 4/5 Geffken, Paul
29206 4/6 Cooper, Steve
31404 4/8 Lionetta, Dan
Bib Range Color Wave Start Time
101-7,700 Red 1 10:00 a.m.
8,000-15,600 White 2 10:25 a.m.
16,000-23,600 Blue 3 10:50 a.m.
24,000-32,500 Yellow 4 11:15 a.m.
Thanks to Pete Guza for compiling the information above. And apologies to anyone running that we both managed to miss. Good luck and Godspeed to everyone running.
Countdown Calendar |
4/18/2016 |
2 |
4/30/2016 |
14 |
5/1/2016 |
15 |
5/1/2016 |
15 |
5/1/2016 |
15 |
5/7/2016 |
21 |
5/8/2016 |
22 |
5/15/2016 |
29 |
5/15/2016 |
29 |
5/15/2016 |
29 |
5/15/2016 |
29 |
5/22/2016 |
36 |
5/29/2016 |
43 |
5/29/2016 |
43 |
5/29/2016 |
43 |
6/8/2016 |
53 |
6/18/2016 |
63 |
6/18/2016 |
63 |
7/4/2016 |
79 |
BRC Triathlon |
Runner’s World Classic |
7/16/2016 |
91 |
7/17/2016 |
92 |
9/12/2016 |
149 |
9/16/2016 |
153 |
9/17/2016 |
154 |
9/25/2016 |
162 |
9/25/2016 |
162 |
9/25/2016 |
162 |
10/2/2016 |
169 |
10/2/2016 |
169 |
BRC Ultra Border Crawl |
10/8/2016 |
175 |
10/9/2016 |
176 |
10/16/2016 |
183 |
10/23/2016 |
190 |
10/23/2016 |
190 |
10/30/2016 |
197 |
10/30/2016 |
197 |
11/6/2016 |
204 |
11/12/2016 |
210 |
11/20/2016 |
218 |
11/24/2016 |
222 |
BRC Christmas Run |
12/17/2016 |
245 |
New Year’s Thor de Force |
1/1/2017 |
260 |