BRC Run – 09/07 – 0645 – Cousin Fred Gets a New Border – 11.2 mi [BORDER]

Still with the Borders Thing
One of our long-time RWOBs runs on the DWFU team for Reach the Beach. He has occasionally come to run other times with us, sometimes the week right before we get ready to go. I’m hoping this is one of those times. In all the years he’s been running (occasionally) with us, he’s only managed to score South Andover as far as I can tell. I know we did this route several weeks ago, but this week, we’ll try to get him Middleton. Come on, Fred! Let’s get you a number.
BRC Express
Although you can tailor this for whatever distance you’d like, if you follow this map, you can run with the club for a couple miles, then turn back for a shorter run that will only go for about 5.5 miles:
Reach the Beach is Nearly Here
One week from today, about fifty of us will be laying waste to the New Hampshire countryside as we run, walk, and party our way from Bretton Woods to Hampton Beach. Warn your friends and neighbors to stay clear of affected areas. Also, now would be a good time to start training, but I’ve heard it’s pretty flat. No worries.
Dave McGillivray at Whirlaway
Although we all probably see Dave McGillivray’s emails for his DMSE Events, you may not know he is having a small speaking engagement at Whirlaway next Wednesday, Sept 11th at 7:30pm. Registration is required.
· Tuesday — BRC Weekly 5K
Start at Rolf’s at 645 pm. Food, drink, and good company to follow.
· September 13th (Friday) – Reach the Beach
· September 28th – Middlemiss Big Heart 5K
· September 29th – Clarence DeMar Marathon
· October 6th (Sunday) – Trot for Special Tots
Come help with a great cause. More details are supposed to be coming? Elin?
I’ll write what I want. When I want. #morebeersthanmiles