BRC Run(s) – 8/30 and 8/31 – Reach the Beach warmup – Your mileage may vary

RTB. It’s here. I’m doomed.
So, last year, I sent you on these exact same runs less than a week before the big event. This year, I am hoping to get a little better response, so I wanted to do TWO weeks before the show. A few of us finished the whole series last year. Maybe more will be available this year, right? Except I screwed it up, and went to the brewery (#Aeronaut) instead of telling you we were doing this. Now it’s just a call to see how many truly disturbed individuals want to spend a good amount of the long weekend running. I think you’re JUST the right one to join. So, let’s hit one, two, or all three of these mini-runs, and get ready for the big Friday the 13th event. Pay attention to the details below. Not all runs start and end at the Common. Bring beer if you are seriously in training.
Part 1: Friday Evening at 6:45pm (AWAY GAME)
There is a 6:45 PM start time. This route starts and ends at Rodrigo’s house (70 Liberty St.) Street parking is available if the driveway is full. In the correct spirit of RTB, you should BYOB.
Part 2: Saturday Morning at 6:45am
Next up, we have the usual Saturday Morning run, going 7.2 miles around some challenging hills.
Part 3: Saturday Evening at (negotiable) 6:45pm
If you have any leftover stamina, we will do one more. There is a planned 6:45 PM start time. Whoever is left, we can negotiate the start time. This is the traditional BRC 5K route.
Reach. The. Beach. Is. Only TWO. Weeks. Away.
I am so doomed. Time to focus on something else. Like the next beer.
· Tuesday — BRC Weekly 5K
Start at Rolf’s at 645 pm. Food and Fun. You know the drill.
· September 13th (Friday) – Reach the Beach
· October 6th (Sunday) – Trot for Special Tots
Come help with a great cause. More details are supposed to be coming.
This will once again be awesome. We had a ton of people do these runs last year, and they swear it was better than their wedding day. Unless it’s not. Then I’m going to blame it on my friend, beer. He always has the “best” ideas while I sit at the brewery.