BRC Run – 1/15 – 0645 – West Boxford – 7.5 mi [BORDER]

Thanks to everyone who provided some inputs in each of your own unique way. Both of your inputs are noted and incorporated.
Everyone else, let’s get some more heading this way. The holidays are over. Your fellow club members may be stuck in a rut with their workouts, and it’s time to find something fun and new to do. I’m not necessarily suggesting we all go do a polar plunge, especially since I’m not there, but let me hear about the events and activities and then share it with the club. OK, not all activities. Some of that… stuff, you should definitely keep to yourself. The running activities, and related events would be great to tell everyone. Our calendar below will now link to an online Google calendar. If something isn’t working right, let me know.
It is winter, by all the things that I read, and you should make sure you stay safe while running this season. Here’s a list of helpful tips.
The Route
As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, it is a New Year. I think it is time to hit all the borders again. We also have some pretty active RWOBs right now. They have to run with a member, so come out and mingle. This week, go run to West Boxford. Note that the Store will be closed this weekend. Staffing issues. We also always have the comfortable shorter route by Smolak Farm. Anyone looking for a little extra distance might want to go look at maps and go a bit farther to get Outer Ring border Georgetown.
West Boxford(7.5mi):
Even shorter (5.7mi):
· 27 Mar 2022 – Eastern States 20-miler
· 23 May 2022 – The Harpoon 5-Miler
· 2 Aug – Yankee Homecoming
· 28 May 2022 – xxxx
· 16-17 Sep – Reach the Beach
We’re gettin’ the Band back together!