BRC Run – 09/18 – 0645 – Reach Your Own Beach – 10.3 mi [BORDERs]

Where Did Everyone Go?
Well, RTB is back. We have friends up in the mountains, racing their way to Hampton Beach. Some will take the boring route and attempt to run fast, while some will run… more creatively. To each his own I say. This is still a Republic. Shockingly, one standout team will get the most hours of running for their dollar. I call that a bargain. As our teams lay waste to the New Hampshire countryside, torturing the natives with their noise and presence, jamming up the roads with countless vans, burning villages and taking livestock along the way (maybe not those last two) those who are left behind should reach their own beach. Head out to Stiles Pond on this hilly route.
Stiles Pond (10.3):
Knights on the Run
In-person races are a thing again, apparently. The North Andover Athletic Association is hosting the Tenth Annual Knights on the Run 5K and Knights in Training Kids Run on October 16th this year. This is the largest fundraiser for the NAAA, who fund items for the NAHS athletic department. Over the past few years, they have helped with the installation costs of Walsh Stadium scoreboard, windscreens for the HS tennis courts, video recording devices for soccer, portable defibrillators, and 4 annual student/athlete scholarships. Come out and help support the town while having a fun morning on a run. You’re already running Saturday mornings.
· 18 Sep 2021 – Reach the Beach
· 11 Oct 2021 – BAA Boston Marathon
· 16 Oct 2021 – Knights on the Run 5K
The Huns and Mongols accomplished nothing compared to the destruction wrought by DWFU.