BRC Run – 02/13 – 0645 – Cold Narrow Roads – 6.2 miles

The roads are getting dangerous. In typical North Andover fashion, the roads are getting skinny, being crowded with under-plowed snow. Now, you know I love the snow. Huge storms dumping tons of white joy make me smile all day long. Sometimes, it gets cold enough that the joy seems to last longer. And spread out. Just like silly-eating season™ makes our waistlines spread, Silly-Snowing season makes the edges of the road swell toward the middle. Now’s the time you have to be wary of the rocket surgeons who think they can safely drink their Starbucks, browse their iPhone, adjust their makeup, and still get the kids to soccer basketball practice. (I don’t think the non-essentials need a Chyna-virus test to get back out there with us…they need a driving test) So we must be careful. I suggest running shorter, and on more well-conditioned roads. Wear extremely bright colors! This week, I’ll suggest you run the 10K route, but feel free to run any safe path with enough space for runners and drivers alike.
BRC 10K Route 6.2
Fighting HARD
Tom is waiting for you to sign up for the Fighting HARD virtual run. This sounds like a good cause. He wants you to know that registration is only open until Feb 20th, so registering today is probably a good idea.
· 17 Feb 2021: BRC Weeknight 5K
Keep your junk warm. Nobody likes cold junk.