BRC Run – 10/05 – 0645 – North Reading – 13.5 mi [BORDER(s)]

Back to Basics
We haven’t run this route in 2 months. I know at least one RWOB needs it. Maybe someone also needs the additional Middleton add-on. (Make sure you go with someone who knows where they’re going.)
BRC Express
There’s a shortcut. If you run to Rt-114 and back, it’s about 6 miles. If you want shorter than that, turn back earlier.
I screwed up. A bit of distraction kept me from providing you with crucial news. I heard from the super-secret yet always friendly director of the BRC Ultra Border Crawl. He’s probably a little miffed at me for not following through this week and providing you this information, but please be aware that it is the season for our Ultra. This year, it’s a pop quiz, with almost no notice (thanks to me.) The BRC Ultra will happen on Oct 19th for those who are interested. There are 2 loops, which allows people to run some, volunteer some, or mix it up a bit.
Mat, please share your thoughts and plans.
Limited Merch 4 Sale
Paul Geffken has some lovely swag you may be interested in. SnapBack trucker hats with a colorful BRC logo. That’s “Boulder Running Club” for those paying attention. Limited quantities available. He’s selling them for $30 and will bring them to the Common tomorrow morning.
· Tuesday — BRC Weekly 5K
Start at Rolf’s at 645 pm. Food, drink, and good company to follow. REFLECTIVE SAFETY GEAR is REQUIRED
· October 6th (This Sunday) – Trot for Special Tots
Come help with a great cause. I saw on Facebook that there will be Memphis BBQ (from Tewksbury, actually, but you get the idea)
· Oct 19th – BRC Ultra Border Crawl
Details to follow

Mumble, mumble, something funny. Insert joke here. Closing.