BRC Run – 11/14– 0645 – Veterans Day – 8.8 miles

Veterans Day
This week we take a moment and some miles to honor all our veterans, those who have served in the United States Armed Forces. The holiday a few days ago also coincides with Armistice Day and Remembrance Day, celebrated in other countries to commemorate the end of World War I. In tribute, the club will repeat our Veterans run from 2017, and visit several of our town monuments, pausing to reflect on those who have served and those who continue to do so in order to protect our way of life.
BRC Veterans Day (8.8 mi) :
Mailing List News
Google Groups is not uber-friendly. (Well, they may like Uber, but they’re not being helpful with mailing lists) There seems to be a known issue in the system where people stop receiving the group email for some reason. I’m also encountering issues finding people who are supposed to be on the list, but don’t show up when I search for all users.
· 18 Nov 2020: BRC Weeknight 5K
· 19 Dec 2020: BRC Christmas Run
God bless America