BRC Tuesday Run TIME CHANGE – 0645 – Rolf’s – 3.1 mi

Good morning!
I trust that everyone is refreshed and/or recovered after yesterday's fantastic Christmas Run. The leadership team did a great job organizing this event. We should have a new secret destination every year!
Hey, speaking of Christmas, everyone wants to know "What's the deal with Tuesday night runs for the next 2 weeks??" Well, it turns out that we will still run on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve. We just won't do it at night. For the next 2 weeks, the Tuesday night crew will be the Tuesday Morning Crew and run the 5K course from Rolf's, but will begin at 6:45 AM. This is a great way to start your day and get ready for family, friends, and fun over the holidays. The bar may be closed.
I would suggest that safety gear (reflective gear and lighting) would still be required, as we're at the darkest week of the year. Santa, elf, and Baby New Year costumes are optional.
Merry Christmas!
Happy Chanukah!
Happy Festivus!
Merry (insert preferred celebratory or observed religious or secular moment here)