BRC Run – 05/04 – 0645 – It’s NOT Holly Ridge – 7.7 miles

Short and Hilly
Not a lot to say about this run except that at least it doesn’t also include Holly Effing Ridge. A couple of big hills, and relatively short distance. On the way back, any really tough guys can add a lap around Bear Hill if they want.
Advance Notice(s)
BRC Weekly 5K
Tuesday May 14th will mark the inaugural BRC Weekly Evening 5K which will start and end at Rolf’s. Go time is 6:45 PM. There will be food provided afterwards. The 5k course is certified by Pete.
The BRC Triathlon
The BRC Triathlon will be held on Saturday, July 13th. You have ten weeks to get ready. More details will be coming.
Nobody read this. I didn’t have time to think of something clever. But then again, do I ever?