BRC Run – 4/28 – Back to Business – 9.1 miles

More Marathons on Deck
I know you thought that marathon season was over. Two more coming this weekend that I know about. First, everyone give a big “Yee-haw!” and “Git’ er done” to Paul Geffken, representing at the Nashville St. Jude Rock and Roll Marathon this Sunday. Also a big fist pump to Tara LoBianco hitting the Jersey Shore for the 2018 New Jersey Marathon. I’m sure Snooky will be watching while you get your Run, Tan, Laundry on.
Have a great race, guys. Hit it in BRC style. Whatever that might be.
Not Too Far
In town, we’ll add a few more miles this week, but still not too long. Out and back on Salem St. Get your Boxford. Longer? Go past the border. Shorter? I’ll let you figure it out yourself…
Random Education Corner
Since I don’t have anything else to talk about, I thought we’d delve into the world of science. Apparently, Uranus smells like bad. And that’s not even my punchline. Check out the article yourself. A whole new crop of 6th graders will have awesome jokes for the rest of their school careers.
When I was a kid, we had NINE planets