BRC Run – 8/12 – 0645 – Run to Nowhere
Just got power back – short, boring email
Just so you know, I try to write this weekly letter the night before I send it. Last night (or right now, as I scribe) some of us in out-country were without power until roughly 9:00. I used the time in the dark to my advantage, in an attempt to prevent beer in the fridge from getting too warm. 😉
Consequently, I don’t have anything witty or amusing to share (although that may ALWAYS be the case, my opinion notwithstanding)
I have, however, thought about how I misjudged the weather last week, and had us run so far in that awful heat and humidity. This week, Weather Underground claims there’s a growing chance of rain. We’ll see.
“Get to the route already!”
One thing I have tried to do ahead of time is at least think about the route before I send it. This week, I got as far as thinking about a distance between 5.5 and 7 miles, but didn’t plan it out until after the power returned tonight. So if it looks a little blurry, well, I tried to keep SEVERAL beers from getting too warm. Anyway, go run this:
There should be ample time for add-ons before and after in the (maybe) rain.